Thursday, January 31, 2008

A little piece by Matt Seamon

You can find a little piece about Greg LeMond written by Matt Seamon here.

Matt Seamon started working with Greg to write his autobiography, but the project was aborted, and Matt Seamon says a possible reason was that Greg felt his career was eclipsed by Armstrong's. I imagine there's more to it than that... maybe Greg wasn't ready yet to tell his full story. I just hope that one day we will be able to read his own point of view on his life and career.

As Matt Seamon says:
"I hope he does complete the book some day. He was the original pioneer."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey I see you are a Greg LeMonde admirer. Do you know anything about another cyclist that was in the Tour de France at about the same time? Mark Merlino? Any clips that include him?